+49 (0) 711 57641776
Aerosol Generator ATM228
Aerosol Generator ATM228
Product Details
The aerosol generator ATM 228 is a further development of the aerosol generator ATM 226 and fully complies with the requirements of VDI 3491-2.
According to ISO 14644-3 this device can be used to test the filter integrity of HEPA and ULPA filters as well as measuring the recovery time. For the test of very small filter cross sections very low aerosol quantities are required. Therefore the ATM 228 has therefore been developed for particularly stable aerosol generation at low nozzle volume flows or nozzle pressures.
The special advantage of the generator lies in a very wide adjustable concentration range with highest aerosol stability. Thus an optical cleanroom particle counter can be operated directly on the ATM228 without dilution system below the coincidence limit.
- External battery pack
- Interface control via serial connection
- Very wide working range with exact reproducible adjustable particle production rate
- Accurate setting of minimum aerosol volume flows
- Digital display
- Interface for external control
- Internal brushless compressor
- Mains connection with integrated wide-voltage power supply
- Optional operation in battery mode
- Test of HEPA and ULPA filters in the installed extension and recovery time measurement according to ISO 14644-3 (filter integrity test)
- Validation measurements of clean rooms and safety cabinets
- Tracer particle generation at low volume flows
- Instrument specification ATM 228 at 250 l/h
- Number concentration (class <0,2 µm): 1,0×108 particle/cm3
- Number concentration (class > 0,2 … 0,4 µm): 7,3×107 particle/cm3
- Number concentration (class > 0,4 µm): 2,2×107 particle/cm3
- Particle size dustribution (Modal value): 0,15 … 0,25 µm
Aerosol specification for DEHS
DEHS (di-ethylhexyl-sebacate) is an oily substance commonly used in the monitoring of clean room systems as well as testing filters for aerosol generation. The liquid has a long service life as an aerosol. The particle sizes produced with the generators of the series ATM are in the area of the Most Penetration Particle Size (MPPS, approx. 0.2 μm).
- Volume flow: 20 … 250 l/h
- Mass flow: 0 …1.4 g/h
- Particle number flow: 4,7 E2 ..1,4 E10 Partikel/s infinitely variable
- Aerosol liquids: DEHS, PAO (Emery 3004). Paraffin oil, latex suspensions (PSL), salt solutions20
- Filling amount: 80ml
- Dosing period: approx. 44 h in continuous operation mode (in battery operation 2 h at full load)
- Overpressure: max. 40 kPa
- Aerosol outlet: Æ 8 mm
- Air supply: Internal compressor
- Power Supply: 100 … 240 V AC. 12 VDC
- Dimensions: 300 x 120 x 195 mm
- Weight: 3.9 kg